From dispute resolution, Mian Sheraz Javaid has developed a preference for dispute avoidance. This passion for finding alternatives to litigation, be it national or international, has brought them to the forefront of (ADR) Alternative Dispute Resolution in Pakistan. As a dispute resolution advisor, they not only gravitate around the avoidance of escalation but also the best interest of both the parties involved. Their constant support and active involvement with the key stakeholders bring about smoother operations and facilitate the timely completion of tasks.

Like any other dispute resolution advisor, Mian Sheraz promotes transparency in obligations and the rights of both parties involved in a mutual endeavor to eliminate any possibility of disputes arising in the future. Their prominence extends from commercial dispute resolution to the construction dispute resolution sector; where they not only navigate through complex and multilayered legal issues but also dedicate their all to finding efficient and just solutions that best suit the parties involved. Mian Sheraz has taken part in innumerable resolutions over the years involving private and government entities, alike, as a mediator and dispute resolution advisor.

When it comes to dispute resolution and insightful strategic planning, Mian Sheraz Javaid is among the few dispute resolution advisors who can effectively counsel and help clients achieve their goals. Their forte in the laws and regulations that govern dispute resolution is unparalleled, which, combined with their effective communication and negotiations, collectively make them instrumental in the pursuit of resolution.

Mian Sheraz Javaid can be contacted for alternative dispute resolution advisory relating to the construction and energy sectors through the following link:

Dispute Resolution Advisor - MSJ Legal

Sheraz serves as a dispute resolution advisor and counsel in:



Domestic Arbitration

International Arbitration


Neutral Evaluation

Expert Determination

Dispute Resolution Boards (throughout project lifecycles)

Disputes on which Sheraz has acted, working with a number of prominent worldwide arbitration law firms, have involved:

Construction & Engineering

Construction & Engineering

Oil & Gas


Property & Real Estate


“I always advise my clients that dispute resolution is flexible, with numerous procedural options. Dispute Resolution should not be viewed or understood as a clone of litigation, but rather as a legitimate alternative that offers the parties the claimed benefits of time, money, confidentiality, and flexibility.”


One Goal, One Passion:

The Provision of best legal services.

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